Tuesdays With Tina – A Monthly SEO Roundup (August 2023)

Happy Tuesday, friends!

I must admit that curating this selection of the best SEO and SEM reads has been my favorite activity during the past month. Hopefully, you’ll enjoy them as much as I did!

Let’s start!


Image SEO: The Ultimate Guide 

Image SEO is more than file names and ALT tags. There are a few strategies that can be used to rank better on Google Image Search. James Reynolds has illustrated the best practices along with detailed instructions that will help you dominate your image SEO.


Why You Need Typography, Font & Paragraph Optimization

Often overlooked, typography, font, and paragraph spacing optimization has a great impact on a site’s engagement rates and conversions. Forget uploading a website theme and accepting its default settings–start customizing everything by following David James’s tips, and see your metrics improve. 

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The Only SEO Guide You’ll Need 

SEO is constantly evolving so if you want to stay on top of the game, you need to know where to start when it comes to creating and optimizing a website. The key here is to build a big-picture strategy and have a clear vision of the objective of your site. Ben Hanzel claims to have the only SEO guide you’ll need and I completely agree. Plus, there are 47 expert tips!


Producing Engaging Content Is Key

There’s a lot of fluff online and online trends show that the situation isn’t moving forward at a satisfactory pace. This is understandable since high-quality content for clients and businesses requires substantial resources. Still, you can’t really put a price on creating reliable and original content that will bring traffic. To help you create reliable, trustworthy, accurate content you can be proud of, VitalBriefing have created a white paper on storytelling which you should take a look at if you’re in need of industry-expert journalist-level content.


The Key to Engaging Customers in Your Area

Let’s make one thing clear: local keywords are important. Although sometimes local keywords may seem low volume, they actually represent searches that are more specific than most high-volume keywords. That’s why dominating this type of keyword can drive huge success for your business. Arianna Cruz reveals the key to engaging customers in your area through local keywords. 


All There Is to Know About Content Syndication

Content syndication enables you to get more value out of the content you write, thus driving more links and attracting more traffic to your site. David Fialkoff explains all about content syndication: what it is, how it works, and why you need it. 


Larry Kim’s Top Tips About Creating Viral Campaigns 

Every marketer’s goal is to create a campaign that takes over the content marketing world. However, only a few of the best marketers have created content so impactful it changed the course of their business. Corey Braccialini interviewed Larry Kim to discuss how to create viral content. 


Turn Facebook Leads Into Customers Seamlessly

More often than not, businesses who use Facebook ads claim that the leads generated didn’t convert at the desired rate. The problem here isn’t Facebook but the business’s poor follow-up communication and strategy. Check Gavin Bell’s five-step strategy to turn more Facebook leads into customers. 


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B2B Social Media Marketing 

Social media has an important role in B2B marketing. This trend continues to grow as a result of the huge potential it offers. If you want to tap it, check Sherman Standberry’s ultimate B2B social media guide for growing your brand.


5 Crucial Steps to Etsy SEO

If you’re experiencing trouble with your Etsy SEO strategy, it might be the right time to revamp it. Francesca Nicasio’s five-step Etsy SEO guide will help you build up your strategy and get your products in front of the right buyers. Plus, the guide explores how Etsy search and the site’s algorithm work, the factors that play a crucial role in listing rankings, and more. 


Web Accessibility and Its Importance

Web accessibility involves optimization with the purpose of making a website easy to access and human-friendly. But what exactly does this mean, and how can you create a website that meets the accessibility standards? Check Goldstein Brossard’s comprehensive guide


The Best Readability Tools

A successful content strategy encompasses many aspects, including the content’s reading level, word count, format and correct use of subheaders, keyword distribution, and sentence structure. These points are a must if you want to land the number-one spot or position zero in the SERPs. If all this seems a bit overwhelming to you, worry not—Kristi Kellogg shares the top 10 tools that can help you improve readability. 


The Best SEO Tips for Different Mobile and Desktop URLs

Having a separate mobile e-commerce site means having different URLs for mobile and desktop. Due to Google’s mobile-first index, implementing annotation metadata to redirect is crucial. Follow Jill Kocher Brown’s SEO tips to ensure your site passes Google’s mobile-friendly test. 


Geofencing Marketing: All You Need to Know

If you’re looking to attract more local customers to your business, geofencing is the strategy you need. Essentially, geofencing targets people as they get closer to your business physically, luring them to come inside with attractive offers. Macy Storm explains in detail all about this marketing method and outlines the five main benefits.

Tuesdays With Tina - Geofencing

CRO Strategies to Make More Money

We’ve talked a lot about conversion rate optimization and its importance. Each business has a different conversion goal, and if you want to leverage the best practices, you need to use clever persuasion. Gennaro Cuofano shares a few smart, non-commercial tips that can help you improve your objectives.


When More Traffic Doesn’t Mean More Sales

While on the topic of conversion rate optimization, check Cory Hedgepeth’s piece to find out why more traffic doesn’t equal more sales. Even though many marketers try to improve traffic volume as a means of improving ROI, this approach can often be a wasted effort. 


Is Mobile-Friendly Web Design & Development Worth All the Hype?

With the majority of people accessing the internet via their mobile devices, web development trends have changed. Having a mobile-optimized website has become more important than ever. This not only makes it easier for users to use a site, but there’s an abundance of other benefits that come with it. Explore all of them through Jessica Bennett’s latest article


The Best Ad Types for Small Businesses

Small businesses usually have very limited resources, which means fewer options for digital marketing. Even so, there are many efficient options that can drive great value and make the investment worthwhile. For that purpose, Lounge Lizard’s team has shortlisted the best ad types for small business


The Top Email Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Email marketing is the most effective marketing channel. However, even after all the years that email has been in existence, people tend to make the same marketing mistakes over and over again. Steven MacDonald shares the most common ones to help you avoid the pitfalls many businesses make. 

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The Best Popup Design Practices 

Popups are a versatile conversion optimization tool that can be used to collect emails, boost sales, guide visitors, and more. Rikke Thomsen shares the best popup design practices that can increase on-page conversion rates without hurting the user experience. 


SEO Management: What It Is and Why You Need It

Digital marketing can be quite overwhelming, which is why the majority of businesses use an external agency for their SEO management. These companies monitor all aspects of SEO and make the necessary changes, ensuring their clients meet their set goals and objectives. Elijah Millard explains what exactly goes into SEO management


Here we stop, friends!

Let me know what you found the most useful, and come back for more goodies on the last Tuesday of September.

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