Tuesdays With Tina – A Weekly SEO Roundup (Week 33)

Happy Tuesday, guys!

Here we are with another round of the best articles found on the Internet this week.

Dive in and discover the ultimate tips to use Google Now for corporate communication, learn which are the three most common mistakes to avoid on Google Display Network, and much more!

Google Display Network: Three Mistakes to Avoid

Google Ads, formerly known as AdWords, has been the Google’s revenue engine for years. But, in 2005, the company expanded its portfolio with the Display Network which has the potential to drive huge traffic. This makes it an outstanding advertising opportunity. However, if not used properly, GDN can be harmful. Robert Brady outlines three mistakes to avoid on the Google Display Network.

Hyperlink Your Email Address

As our friends from the leading SEO company in Ireland have stated in their recent blog post about email marketing optimization, this branch of marketing is far from dead and a great email marketing strategy can get you connections, contacts, and eventually success. With that in mind, if you hyperlink the email address on your website, you can help customers to email you with just one click. Basically, when people click on your hyperlink, it will automatically open an email window of a default email program. Maggie Tuczapska at Rock Paper Copy guides you through the process in her latest piece – “How to Hyperlink Email Addresses”.

The Rise of Storytelling in Marketing

Data storytelling is a powerful content marketing strategy which communicates which helps you communicate your information on an emotional level. Steve Masters breaks down this concept and tracks the rise of storytelling in marketing, using accurate and insightful data. Plus, it provides five excellent examples you can use for future reference.

Use Google My Business for Corporate Communication

Google allows you to manage how your business shows in search results and Google Maps, thanks to the outstanding features of Google My Business. Although mainly local search tool, GMB offers a variety of useful features for successful corporate communication strategy and complete business presentation. Melanie Tamble goes into details about how to optimize your Google My Business listing for corporate communication and get the most out of this tool.

What After You Get Reviews?

Tuesdays With Tina - Reviews

Reviews are very powerful for your business. They have the power to make or break your business image. Apart from being beneficial when it comes to ranking for clients, business reviews can be used in several different ways outlined in Lexie Kimball’s latest article for Netvantage Marketing blog – “Your Business Has Online Reviews. Now What?”.

Business Intelligence Solutions v. SEO Platforms: What to Choose?

If your business requires focusing on API stitching of different datasets, it may prevent you from getting proper communication with users, creating engaging campaigns and driving strategic initiatives. Ultimately, you’ll need to fix, upgrade, and debug issues in you reporting infrastructure. Sounds familiar? Then Lindsay Boyajian’s “Build v. Buy Business Intelligence Solutions v. SEO Platforms: Which is right for you?” is your must-read.

What Content and DJing Have in Common

Lorcan Fearon shares his latest article – “DJ Longtails Guide to Keeping Content Fresh and Mixing Up Your SEO Game” in which he parallels writing an SEO article and DJing. He outlines some key principles applicable in both spheres. He offers a different and truly unique perspective which you might find useful for the next piece you’re planning to write.

The Most Important Facebook Ads Metrics

Facebook ads can be a useful tool if your goal is to increase exposure and boost traffic for your business, gain loyal customers, and generate leads and sales. Apart from getting Facebook ads up and running, monitoring and optimizing for key metrics is essential for a successful advertising campaign. Brianna Cryar shares which Facebook ads metrics are the most important and why.

The Winning Analytics Philosophy

You probably know that measuring your progress and the performance of your SEO campaigns is crucial for successful management. However, analytics is a complex topic and sometimes it can be hard to determine what exactly should be measured.  In the latest episode of Here’s Why, Eric Enge outlines the main principles of a winning analytics philosophy.

The Basics of SEO Split Testing

SEO performance can increase or decrease depending on your SEO strategy and the changes implemented and the external factors such as Google updates and competitors. That’s why you should use split testing and determine whether your marketing techniques are working and which areas need to be changed.  Craig Bradford explains the core features of this concept in his latest blog post for Distilled, “What is SEO split testing?”.

How Social Media Impacts Business Profitability

Social media marketing has been a growing trend in the past few years. This is a highly profitable field and an amazing marketing opportunity as it streamlines spreading the word about your products and mission. If you’re ye to dive in social media marketing, Philip Piletic lists the top ten reasons why people use social media to understand better how it can impact your business profitability.

Update Your Outdated Website

Tuesdays With Tina - Web Design

Usually, your website is the first thing your potential customers check before doing business with you. When it comes to e-commerce sites, SEO stats show that 51% of US consumers prefer to shop online which means you may never get the chance to show off your amazing personal services. This means you need to put in an extra effort and create an amazing website to compensate for it. Kelly Shelton shares some tips to update your outdated website and show the customer you care about their experience.

Workshops Help You Hit Your Growth Goals

Investing in digital marketing services can’t get you the results you want if you don’t know what the strategic roadmap looks like. In fact, 93% of SMB businesses in the US use the same form of digital marketing and less than 34% are aware what their agency is doing to meet their goals. Enrolling in digital marketing workshops can help you understand best your customers and learn how to run the right strategies. Jason Patel shares 4 ways a digital marketing workshop can help you hit your growth goals.

Basic Principles of YouTube Videos SEO

After Google, YouTube is the most popular search engine. Namely, more than 90% of the US population has used YouTube in 2017, which is pretty impressive number that hides a huge potential for brands. Tony Messer has created an insightful post which outlines the basics of SEO for YouTube videos, the most important ranking factors, and more.

WordPress v. HTML: Which is Ranks Better?

There have been many discussion regarding whether WordPress offers any advantages or disadvantages by default. In “Do WordPress sites rank better than HTML sites?”, James Parsons explores this topic and goes over the general features, advantages, and disadvantages of the most popular database-driven content management system and HTML to help you decide which approach to take when developing your website.


That’s all, folks!

Here we wrap up this week’s roundup. Let me know if you implement any of the tips outlined here, and which articles have you found most useful.

See you next Tuesday!

Good luck ranking!

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